Quantum – Compliant and Safe Stairways

This CPD is available as remote learning session via video conference and as Face to Face CPD.
Step on It: How Stair Nosings Help to Make Stairways Safe and Meet Building Regulation Guidelines
This CPD presentation and discussion deals with the subject of making commercial stairways safe and compliant with all current building regulation, the CPD presentation includes:
- What stair nosings are designed to achieve and how to select the right one
- How recent BRE and Equality Act (Formally DDA) guidelines affect the choices for specifiers
- Environmental and Health and Safety considerations applicable to the manufacture, installation and maintenance of stair nosings
- Hand-outs include reference links to further information
The seminar lasts 40-60 minutes including time for a Q&A session. The seminar is part of the RIBA core curriculum syllabus and earns double CPD points for those attending the seminars.
Book via Riba here or the Quantum Flooring Accessories webpage here.
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